ok, so i need some help doing this command for a few streamers
!commands add !love -cd=5 $(eval Math.round(Math.random())==0?$(eval var love = "$(urlfetch Pastebin_LINK) ".split(","); love[Math.floor(Math.random() * (love.length - 1))];)
:$(eval var love = "$(urlfetch Pastebin_LINK2) ".split(","); love[Math.floor(Math.random() * (love.length - 1))];)
i have to many characters for 1 pastebin so i was thinking, was there a way i could make it so that there is a math random to choose a math random, so practically the first random does a 50/50 and once it choose one of those then that will do a math random between my Pastebins
here is an examble of a pastebin im going to put into each side (0, that sucks1, that sucks2, etc...3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, oop11 - Pastebin.com)