So I’d like to get help with a command i came up with.
It would be , if a pecific user types something then nightbot responses.
Example :
If @Nightbotfriend types Hi , then nightbot answers with something
If @everyoneelse types Hi, nightbot doesnt answers
Yes this is possible using the following command setup:
!addcom Hi $(eval `$(user)`==`nightbotfriend`?`RESPONSE`:` `)
Hope this helped
Thank you so much ! <3
1 More thing , can you make it so if the pecific types in it says that , but if other types it then it answers something else
example :
if types Hi , nightbot answer hello , but if someone else says hi , nightbot answers Greetings
Do u get it what i mean ?
Yes just do this:
!addcom Hi $(eval `$(user)`==`nightbotfriend`?`RESPONSE1`:`RESPONSE2`)
Response 1 is what “nigtbotfriend” gets.
Response 2 is what everyone else gets.
Thank you
And can there be 2 names like
!addcom Hi $(eval $(user)
the best way to do that would be like this:
!addcom Hi $(eval `$(user)`==`USER1`?`RESPONSE1`:`$(user)`==`USER2`?`RESPONSE1`:`RESPONSE2`)
Note: type the usernames in all lowercase for it to work properly also no “@“ symbol.
There are other ways to add more users but this way is simplist since you only have 2 users.
It works properly , thanks
Hey there !
I really appreciate your work , and I would like to have 1 more request !
Can you make that command to 4-5 user please ?
That would be my last one to you
Ok this should work:
$(eval a=["$(user)"];b=["USER1","USER2","USER3","USER4","USER5"];function compare(a) {return a.some(item=>b.includes(item))};compare(a)?"Response1":"Response2")
Obviously type the user names in all lowercase. And response 1 is what it says if one of them uses it.
Much thanks for your work <3
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