Nightbot Custom Command Help

I am trying to make a command which essentially will not actually do anything and is designed for fun for the users and for me. I want users to be able to pretend to transfer me points in game. Here is what I have so far.

Command: !mmr
Message: Thank you $(user) for transferring your mmr to me! I can feel my skills increasing!

Ideally I want the command to be !mmr x where x is a number that will range from 1-2400. I want there to be limiters that do not allow for 0 or negative numbers. I would like users to transfer me points and then Nightbot returns saying how much mmr or points has been transferred to me. And the numbers during a stream must be to that stream next stream the total mmr given to me must be reset to zero. Example of what I would like to see:

Command: !mmr 1000
Message: Thank you $(user) for transferring your mmr to me! Thank you to everyone who has put in a total of: x mmr. I can feel my skills increasing!

Again that total has to reset each stream.

This would not be something supported natively in Nightbot, but you may be able to make use of a custom API which implements mmr/points and allows them to be deducted or applied to another user.

Hey @the_rocket_star!

Have a look at: Daily and Weekly $(count) in the same command
This is similar to what you need.

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