Nightbot $(count) more than +1?

I want to implement a command on a channel I mod on - I want it to add the value of 5 onto the existing one every time the command is used, Nightbot only one-ups the value by default.

I want it to look like:

Viewer: !oof
Nightbot: (Streamer) owes $ to the swear jar.

I want it to go from 0 and go up by five every time the command is used. I know how the default command looks like where it adds +1 on the existing count, but I want it to go +5. Is there a way to do it?

Thanks, in advance.

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!addcom -cd=5 !oof $(twitch $(channel) "{{displayName}}") owes $$(eval $(count)*5) to the swear jar.
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