Nightbot App Laggy on New PC

Built a new PC and have downloaded the Nightbot app once again. For some reason though, the app is very laggy on this new PC and feels as if hardware acceleration is turned off or something like that. The app dosnt seem to have any settings pertaining to anything that could be of assistance. Any help/info would be appreciated!! :+1:

:open_mouth: there’s a nightbot app? :open_mouth:

instructions unclear I am now a tier 3 Ninja sub

Still looking for any advise.

I have un-installed and re-installed and still nothing.

also because Nightbot App runs on Chrome OS (from what Ive heard) I tried downloading and installing Chrome but that also has not seemed to fix the problem.

still looking for a solution :frowning:

Solved. turned “Background Application Max Frame Rate” OFF in NVIDIA Control Panel.

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