Need a bit of help with the vibe command,
$(eval a=Math.floor(Math.random()*10+1);@$(user)'s Vibes Are ${a}/10. $(user) Has ${a>=6?Passed:Failed} the Vibe Check.)
I am wanting to add parts in that look If it is a=1 it does a !1 command that i will set and if a=10 it does a !10 command.
I have tried a few things and cant seem to get it to work
If I understand properly, you want — in case a is equal to 1 or 10 — the !vibe command to call another command, either !1 or !10 respectively, have I got that right?
This isn’t possible, unless both !1 and !10 are kinda close, then we can do a bit of trickery, but I can’t confirm that unless you tell me what those commands are supposed to do.
That doesn’t change anything, still not possible, Nightbot can only call a second command after the first one, which will replace the output of the first command, it’s called an alias; you can’t have either a command or another, that’s why I’m asking you what !1/!thv and !10/!llv are supposed to do, because maybe we can combine them together.
What I am wanting them to do is to send a message saying “WOW 10/10” and play a sound through triggerfire and if 1 “Come on you can do better” with a different sound
I’m not sure how Triggerfyre works, however here’s how I’d write such command:
!addcom !vibe -a=_vibe $(eval r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1; encodeURI(`$(user)'s Vibes Are ${r}%2F10. $(user) Has ${r > 5 ? 'Passed' : 'Failed'} the Vibe Check. ${r === 1 ? '/Come on you can do better' : r === 10 ? '/WOW 10%2F10': ' '}`);)
!addcom _vibe $(urlfetch$(query)?i=5000&d=0)
Above are the two commands to add, according to the way I wrote the code they’re meant to be added through the chat, if you want to add them through the dashboard see the following topic.
In the command’s outputs, I had to replace the slashes / with %2F as per the encoding reference because the API we’re using in the second command cuts messages depending on them.