Multiple words with space command?

!you got this
!I am the first

I would like to make the commands by using those 3 or 4 words.

I’ve looked up the forum but I could only find the solutions for 2 words commands.

So is there any way of making 3, 4 or more words command with space?

Hey @wndfo2iu1!

The topic you linked gives you the answer, not sure how you missed it:

!addcom FIRST_WORD $(eval `$(query)`.toLowerCase().includes(`REST_OF_THE_SENTENCE_IN_LOWER_CASE`)?`YOUR_RESPONSE`:` `)

Applied to your case, that gives:

!addcom !you $(eval `$(query)`.toLowerCase().includes(`got this`)?`YOUR_RESPONSE`:` `)
!addcom !i $(eval `$(query)`.toLowerCase().includes(`am the first`)?`YOUR_RESPONSE`:` `)

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