Hello, i am a moderator and manager for Dankus_Memecus twitch channel. We frequently use song request during stream, but this week we’ve had issues.
It started with us getting logged out automatically from nightbot. After that mods can’t promote songs in chat, nightbot responds with a message saying that they don’t have permission to. All other commands work just fine, and there is no error messages and permissions seems fine.
I can still promote songs in the nightbot control panel since I’m manager, but we want to do it in the chat. I’ve gone through all settings and nothing has changed or is wrong. We’ve tried logging in and out from nightbot and also detaching and re attaching nightbot to the twitch channel. I have no clue what to do at this point.
I’ve tried the same thing in 4 different twitch channel I’m moderator in, and i can’t promote in any of them. All other commands work just fine.
Help is much appreciated, with friendly regards