Missing Feature?

I’m not 100% sure if this is a Twitch, BTTV, or FFZ feature!

I always Twitch in theater mode; and when you mouse over onto the stream, you’ll see this example;. It’s been the stream name and game displayed up top, and in the bottom left it was number if viewers, uptime, latency and host. and as of the last couple days, it seems to have diapered… I’ve gone through both BTTV’s, and FFZ’s setting and couldn’t find anything to bring it back… Is there any way to bring it back?

I know there is always this option but unlike the other feature, this is always displayed on the screen.

The stuff in the upper right is BetterTTV, and the stuff in the upper left is a Twitch experiment. As for the stuff in the lower left, that’s not a BetterTTV feature so I am not sure what to tell you.

Alright. That helps. SeemsGood So I can at least assume it comes from FFZ.

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