Make youtube account night bot

Hello, I will use the nightbot AutoDJ feature.
I want to associate Nightbot with my own youtube account and give commands from there.
It says oAuth2 code or something, but I couldn’t find it. Can you give detailed information about it?

Hey @YoutubeRadio!

The way to link Nightbot to your YouTube account is to log in with your YouTube account, simple as that, there’s no need to link an app or to create another one, so you’ve gone too far on your screenshot.

If you mean linking your YouTube account to your Nightbot instance that’s already linked to another streaming platform, this isn’t possible: every instance of Nightbot are distinct, you can’t create an account and have it linked to many streaming platforms at once.

I suggest you read the documentation for more information.

I want to use nightbot’s autodj commands and timer feature with my own profile. e.g:

Yes, then go to and log in with your YouTube account, if you’ve already done this, then you’re good to go, and you likely are given that you were able to take that screenshot.

Hello, they make features such as nightbot’s features (!sr, timer) from their own youtube channel profiles.
I think they are using something like Nightbot api, I wonder how they do it.

Nope, they’re using default commands, you already have access to them, again, please read the documentation.

I understand, the songrequest command is in English, can I make it Turkish and change it as I want?

Sadly, no, the output of the default commands can’t be changed, sorry.

I want to use nightbot commands from another channel. Is this the system I’m talking about?
api-docs.nightbot. tv/#authorization-code-flow

Ah, is it what you were talking about since the beginning? Because that wasn’t clear.
If you want to input commands in another channel to act on your channel, then yes, Nightbot’s API is the right way to do what you’re looking for then, you’ll need to write your own API to communicate from one instance of Nightbot to the other.
We won’t write it for you, so hopefully you’re knowledgeable in a programming language.

I will just make a bot that will activate the client of my account, when I connect it with the nightbot, I will use the nightbot commands automatically?

I want to ask one more question. I ran the song request command with the Nightbot app, how do I transfer it to obs.

Is there any way I can print the music outputs {{url}} to a VLC player?

Not necessarily a bot, an API is just a link, and then you call the API link with Nightbot to do something.

None of this is possible natively, writing an API is your best bet.

hi, !sr finds command from youtube and plays it that way. I wish we could get the output of the music with a link like shoutcast. For example the song will be pulled from youtube but www. We will be able to listen to it from a link like Night robot:3232.

hello, is there a person or team that can help me to install the nightbot api on my own youtube account?

No, you’re on your own, the API is provided as an extra for advanced users who wish to do more with Nightbot. If you had made some effort so far then we’d help a bit, but if you want to use the API, you’re supposed to know how to write code.

I really don’t understand why you go through all that pain for something that already works, you’re trying to reinvent the wheel, just use the Auto DJ and the !songs commands Nightbot comes with by default.
And if you really want to use AutoDJ from another chat, nothing is stopping you from capturing the audio of your second instance of Nightbot.

Because I want to see my own channel name instead of Nightbot name and I want to give incoming messages in Turkish language.

Then make your own bot I guess, there are no other option, using Nightbot’s API won’t be enough to do what you’re looking for.

hello, we get song information from the songrequest command and information about the person requesting the song, and we are outputting to a single folder. Can’t we just make the song name a .txt file and the name of the person requesting the song a separate .txt file?
is it possible to do this?

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