I have this command: $(eval u=’$(urlfetch link)’; ) $(touser) foi avisado por $(user)
and its a return urlfetch, so nightbot chat in my stream, but i want it doesn’t happend. I want nightbot just write the not eval text.
Someone could help?
I have this command: $(eval u=’$(urlfetch link)’; ) $(touser) foi avisado por $(user)
and its a return urlfetch, so nightbot chat in my stream, but i want it doesn’t happend. I want nightbot just write the not eval text.
Someone could help?
Hey @dkdeathgun!
This is how to do it:
$(eval u=`$(urlfetch link)`; `$(touser) foi avisado por $(user)`)
the link contains $(querystring), so, when i write this way the argument just turn into a string instead really the argument
I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand what you want anymore.
This should work as intended if what I understood by reading your first post is what you want:
$(eval u=`$(urlfetch https://twitch.center/customapi/addquote?token=PRIVATE_TOKEN&data=$(querystring))`; `$(touser) foi avisado por $(user)`)
If you want something else, try to explain it better, please.
I understand that English isn’t your first language, same for me, so don’t worry, mistakes are fine. Just take the time to explain what you want. Include examples if it makes it easier to understand.
In case you really can’t explain it in English, use your native language. I’ll use Google Translate to try to understand, so in that case make sure you write properly in your language, this includes punctuation.
I think it is because you wrote '(apostrophe) not `(backticks).
To use template literals in the command such as $(querystring), you have to use backticks, ‘~’ key without Shift key.
ref: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Template_literals
Obrigado pela compreensão, eu tinha colocado as aspas em vez de acento grave. Mas realmente funcionou, obrigado
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