hello ,I need help with a kiss command but with 2 different touser.
!addcom !kiss <3 $(user) has kissed $(touser) <3 — that is for 1 touser and i dont know how to do it whit 2 different touser.
Sorry for my english its not my native lenguaje.
hello ,I need help with a kiss command but with 2 different touser.
!addcom !kiss <3 $(user) has kissed $(touser) <3 — that is for 1 touser and i dont know how to do it whit 2 different touser.
Sorry for my english its not my native lenguaje.
if u mean u’re trying to have somebody kiss 2 people in the same command, u can use the “arguments” instead of touser… like this…
!addcom !kiss2 <3 $(user) has kissed $(1) and $(2) <3
but for that they need to type “!kiss2 name1 name2”…
if u want them to type the and so it’s more natural to type, u could use query… like this…
!addcom !kiss2 <3 $(user) has kissed $(query) <3
but the problem with that is they can enter anything, like if i typed “!kiss2 my butt” it will say “<3 tiwosslave has kissed my butt <3”
Thank you very much, you solved my problems. Thanks a lot
and if i want 2 randoms people ? how i can do it ?
or u can make it fancy and have it decide whether it has one or more…
!addcom !kiss <3 $(user) has kissed $(eval a=‘$(query)’;a.includes(’ and ‘)?’$(query’):‘$(touser)’) <3
this way it will avoid the error of not adding anything after the command
oh, for random people if they don’t add any names… i have a thing for that, lemme find it
nevermind, they shut down the api, and it doesn’t work anymore… but i’ll try and find another way
I understand, thank you very much for your help, I hope you can help me in the future <3 and sorry for mi english haha
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