Issue with saving song command

I am using Nightbot for song requests and would like to save a song directly from YouTube chat instead of opening the Nightbot tab. This is because my stream runs on a server, and I prefer not to stay connected to it all the time.

However, when I use the “!songs save” or “!songs steal” commands, I receive the following error:
“There was an error looking up your channel. Error: user not found.”

I am logged into the same account as the YouTube channel that is streaming, so Nightbot should recognize my user. Could you please help me resolve this issue?

Hiya, “!songs save” and “!songs steal” are not Nightbot commands, you might be using a custom !songs command?

See the docs for information about the default !songs commands: !songs - Nightbot Docs

Alright, so there is no way to save a song to the playlist from the YouTube chat? This would be a useful feature to add then! Thanks.

Hiya, “!songs save” and “!songs steal” are not Nightbot commands, you might be using a custom !songs command?

These are commands, but I guess it is not currently documented on the docs site. save and steal perform the same operation though (steal is an alias).

The operation takes the currently playing song and then adds it to your channel’s playlist.

“There was an error looking up your channel. Error: user not found.”

I suspect this is because of how we were looking up your Nightbot user. I’ve shipped a fix for this, so it should succeed now.

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Thank you! It works now.