I would like to know how to create commands as a mod for someone

I’m trying to make commands for my friend as mod but can’t how does he make me allowed to make me be able to make commands for his channel? Thank you

@cameron_Flynn Hi,

Ask the owner of the channel to cross check if the default command “!commands” is enable.

From docs: “!commands” allows users to get a list of commands and moderators to manage commands.

To add command via chat:

!addcom <command name> <command response>


!addcom hi Hello

You can make the response much more dynamic with built in variables

!addcom hi Hello @$(user). 

If you know little bit of JavaScript you can do “miracles”. Here’s the “!facts” command

!addcom !facts Fact: $(eval a = $(urlfetch json https://pastebin.com/raw/x0vgXCwJ); a[Math.floor(Math.random() * a.length)])

To delete command:

!delcom <command name>


!delcom !facts

There are lot many things. Consider looking at https://docs.nightbot.tv/


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