I’m trying to make commands for my friend as mod but can’t how does he make me allowed to make me be able to make commands for his channel? Thank you
@cameron_Flynn Hi,
Ask the owner of the channel to cross check if the default command “!commands
” is enable.
From docs: “!commands
” allows users to get a list of commands and moderators to manage commands.
To add command via chat:
!addcom <command name> <command response>
!addcom hi Hello
You can make the response much more dynamic with built in variables
!addcom hi Hello @$(user).
If you know little bit of JavaScript you can do “miracles”. Here’s the “!facts
” command
!addcom !facts Fact: $(eval a = $(urlfetch json https://pastebin.com/raw/x0vgXCwJ); a[Math.floor(Math.random() * a.length)])
To delete command:
!delcom <command name>
!delcom !facts
There are lot many things. Consider looking at https://docs.nightbot.tv/
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