Ehsankia’s quote list API can be used to set up a list that users can join by typing !lurk
Click this link. It will generate three links and two tokens, a public token (8 characters long) and a private token (16 characters long). The public token is located within the first generated link. The private token is located within both the second and third generated links. The tokens are found after token=
and before &data=$(querystring)
Copy them and keep them somewhere safe!
I set up 4 commands below: !lurk and !lurkp2 which work in tandem to add the user’s username the list or return an error message if the user is already on the list, !lurklist which gives a link to view that list, and !lurkclear (mod-only) which clears the list. Either copy and paste these commands into chat or add them through the Nightbot dashboard. Add the commands through chat only if you are sure no one else is there, otherwise they might see your private token (which is used to manage the list)! Replace PUBLIC_TOKEN
with your public token and PRIVATE_TOKEN
with your private token.
!addcom -cd=5 !lurk -a=!lurkp2 $(eval `$(urlfetch$(user)&no_id=1)`!=`$(user)`?`PRIVATE_TOKEN&data=$(user)`:` `)
!addcom -cd=5 !lurkp2 $(eval a=`$(urlfetch$(query))`;`$(query)`.includes(`PRIVATE_TOKEN`)?`@$(user) Thanks for joining the Lurk Squad. rooLurk`:`$(user) is already a member of the Lurk Squad. rooLurk`)
!addcom -cd=5 !lurklist Lurk Squad members list rooLurk
!addcom -ul=mod !lurkclear $(eval a=`$(urlfetch`;`$(user) has disbanded the Lurk Squad... rooLurk`)