How to make a command of a random number

I have 2 doubts. First, how to create a command that choose a random number between 1 and 140. And the other doubt is if I can make that:
If the number is between 1-69, it says “Definitivamente eres tonto.”,
if the number is between 70-79 it says “Pues eres bastante tonto, aunque podría ser peor.”
If the number is between 80-89 it says “Estás por debajo del promedio.”.
If the number is between 90-109 it says “Eres parte del promedio, te salvaste con suerte!”.
If the number is between 110-119 it says “Estás por encima del promedio, pero tampoco tanto”
If the number is between 120-129 it says “Casi eres un Einstein en 2020, pero no llegas a serlo.”.
If the number is between 130-140 it says “Eres un Einstein en pleno 2020, y la gente con tanto IQ como tu se queda hasta el final del stream paaa”. I don’t know if this can be made, but If it is possible, please help me. If not, just help me on the first doubt. Thank you!

Try this, I hope this will work.

x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 140) + 1); 
if ( x <= 69 ) { 
   "Definitivamente eres tonto." 
} else if ( x >= 70 && x <= 79 ) { 
   "Pues eres bastante tonto, aunque podría ser peor."
} else if ( x >= 80 && x <= 89 ) { 
   "Estás por debajo del promedio." 
} else if ( x <= 90 && x >= 109 ) { 
   "Eres parte del promedio, te salvaste con suerte!" 
} else if ( x <= 110 && x >= 119 ) { 
   "Estás por encima del promedio, pero tampoco tanto" 
} else if ( x <= 120 && x >=129 ) { 
   "Casi eres un Einstein en 2020, pero no llegas a serlo." 
} else if ( x >= 130 ) { 
   "Eres un Einstein en pleno 2020, y la gente con tanto IQ como tu se queda hasta el final del stream paaa" 
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It says the maximum characters is 500 and that is beyond it. If you cannot put the text depending on the number, then I would like to know how to simply get a random number from 1 to 140. Thank you very much!

@maximiliaanoh Heya, I was thinking that how will you make it possible, as there is a word limit. Anyway, I shorten the code for you.

Exactly copy-paste the same code. It will work.
$(eval x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 140) + 1); $(urlfetch json


For generating a random number from range 1 to 140, here’s the code.
$(eval Math.floor((Math.random() * 140) + 1)

For generating a random number from range <min> to <max>, here’s the code.
$(eval Math.floor(Math.random() * (<max> - <min>) ) + <min>)

Replace with your desired number in <max> and <min>. Note: do NOT include angular brackets (<, >)

Hope this query will help. :)

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