How to make a command fetch one thing but then another thing 5 seconds later?

How to make a command to fetch “$(userid)/-100/4000” but after 5 seconds fetch “$(userid)/-100/1000”?
This is just to trigger the api, not for the actual text in it btw.

i’m not sure if this will work for what u’re trying to do, but there is this multiple response api that might be able to trigger that at your interval

Basically what im trying to do is to have it so that when the command is activated it gives the users (fake channel on screen) get a boost in fake subscribers (which is triggered by$(userid)/-100/4000 ) but after 5 seconds i want the fake channel to slow down again (which is triggered by$(userid)/-100/1000 )

I have tried the solution that you have given but i honestly can’t figure out how to use it.

i’m sorry, i gave u the wrong link, that one only mentioned the code for the tool… this link will take u to the multiple messages command tool which will put it all together for u, all u have to do is put each message in a line and under options the interval can be changed, it starts out at 5000 which is 5 seconds

Thanks, will test the command i made with it later.

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Turns out, it will put the fetch as text instead of doing the fetch…

really?.. hmmm… i figured if some command variables worked, they all would… i guess since the multiple response tool is within a urlfetch itself, it can’t nest, interesting… but unfortunately, that was the only option already available that i know of… only other thing i could think of is making your own api, or another app that connects to the nightbot api

Ah. Well, thanks for trying though.

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