I’d like to keep score with 2 seperate counters, this is the example; I would like to be able to activate/add to the counters seperately, 1 at a time, yet in synchronization with one another within the same message/command(s) to display the same message with either !1pointPineapple (adds to count 1) to display message; PineappleExpr3so - SavageKILLA (count 1 goes up) - (count 2), or !1pointSavage that can be counted seperately (adds to count 2), so that it will go PineappleExpr3so - SavageKILLA (count 1) - (count 2 goes up) yet they will display the same message/keep track of the score and both counters but only adding to 1 of them within the same message (both counters can adjust/keep track of total points in real time in same message for both commands, but 2 seperate commands to add to either counter 1, or 2, that will adjust the same message displayed by both commands to keep track of score, but only adds to 1 of the counters within the same message that is displayed by both commands that activate seperate counters), so if I score or he does, I can give him or myself a point, and it will display both our counting scores but only add to them seperately, but within the same message to show both and keep track of both scores/counters within the same message/command, but only add to 1 of them per command (!1pointSavage or !1pointPineapple. I would like for this to be a mod and owner option level command, and also like for this command/message to be viewable by viewers if they enter the command !Wagers without it affecting the counters. If possible it would be cool if these commands were clean to type in just like that so it doesn’t look random or messy in the chat. Thank you so much for reading, hope you can help:heart: Here’s a last example/scenario for exactly what it is I’m looking for;
Someone asks about wagers or about score
I or they enter in chat; !Wagers to display message below
Tonight’s Wagers! Lifetime Score PineappleExpr3so - SavageKILLA, (count 1 remains the same because it’s not a mod or owner activating counter or counter related command/0) - (count 2 remains the same because it’s not a mod or owner activating counter or counter relayed command/0)… 5$CAD to whoever has the highest kills if we place atleast 5th
I score a point
Mod or owner enters in chat to activate first counter; !1pointPineapple
Displays message ; Tonight’s Wagers! Lifetime Score PineappleExpr3so - SavageKILLA, (count 1 goes up/1) (count 2 remains at 0)… 5$CAD to whoever has the highest kills if we place atleast 5th
Someone asks about score again
I or someone enters !Wagers in chat to display message below
Tonight’s Wagers! Lifetime Score PineappleExpr3so - SavageKILLA, (counter 1 is kept track of but stays the same since it’s not a mod or owner activating counter or counter related command/1) - (counter is kept track of but stays the same since it’s not a mod or owner activating counter or counter related command/0)
SavageKILLA scores a point
I/owner or a mod enters command !1pointSavage into chat to activate second counter (counter 2) and displays message with both counters keeping score in real time to be displayed consistently/counted consistently in r
Tonight’s Wagers! Lifetime Score PineappleExpr3so - SavageKILLA, (count 1 remains the same because I did not activate it, yet it is consistently kept track of at the same count within the same message to be displayed by this command, the command !Wagers, and the command !1pointPineapple, of which it would be added to by 1, but in this case, the (count 1) remains the same as in all the other messages and is kept up to date without changing/1) - (count 2 goes up because savage got a point and I activated it with the command !1pointSavage, yet this counter is being/has been kept track of, so the (counter 1) goes up by 1, keeping track of the current score/commands/messages that display the same counters, but the !1point commands/counters/messages only add to 1 counter at a time and always display the same messages to keep track of the same final total score and both counters at all times within the same message, aside from the score going up changing/going up by 1 when I press one of the !1point commands To display the same message/consistently accurate score whether I press !1pointPineapple to seperately add to 1 counter, !1pointSavageKILLA to seperately add to a second counter, but both counters will show within the same message whenever I press either of those commands or the !Wagers command, and the !Wagers command won’t make either one of the counters go up, since it is for viewers only and the !1point commands are for mods minimum, and the owner. I would also like to be able to reset the score at my own will.
It would be awesome if I had a means of resetting both these counters as well at my will, thank you so much in advance
Without any parenthesis if it’s too hard to read;
!Wagers (viewer/all permission)
Tonight’s Wagers! PineappleExpr3so - SavageKILLA, (count 1/0) - (count 2/0)… 5$CAD to whoever has the highest kills if we place atleast 5th
!1pointPineapple (mod or owner level permission)
Tonight’s Wagers! PineappleExpr3so - SavageKILLA, (count 1 is kept track of and goes up/1) (count 2 is kept track of but stays the same/0)… 5$CAD to whoever has the highest kills if we place atleast 5th
!Wagers (viewers/any permission)
Tonight’s Wagers! PineappleExpr3so - SavageKILLA, (count 1 is kept track of but stays the same since it’s not a mod or owner activating a counter or a counter command/1) (count 1 is kept track of but stays the same since it’s not a mod or owner activating a counter or a counter command/0)
!1pointSavage (mod or owner permission to use)
Tonights Wagers! PineappleExpr3so - SavageKILLA, (count 1 is kept track of but stays the same within the same message because this command doesn’t add to the 1st counter/1) (count 2 is kept track of and goes up/1)
!1pointPineapple (mod or owner level permission)
Tonight’s Wagers! PineappleExpr3so - SavageKILLA (count 1 is kept track of and goes up/2) - (count 2 is kept track of but remains the same since the command wasn’t for the second counter/1)
!Wagers (Any/viewers/all permission)
Tonight’s Wagers! PineappleExpr3so - SavageKILLA (count 1 is kept track of and remains the same since the command isn’t for activating a counter and is for viewers/any/all/2) (count 2 is kept track of and remains the same since the command isn’t for activating a counter and is for viewers/any/all/1)
!ResetCount1 (only mods/owner can do this command)
*Resets 1st counter for all messages/commands
!ResetCount2 (only mods/owner can do this command)
*Resets 2nd counter for all messages/commands
Thanks so much, hope all these details makes it very simple and easy for you to help me with exactly what I’m looking for/trying to do.