Estoy intentando crear un comando que mantenga la cuenta de los duelos que se dan entre dos personas en el chat actualmente el comando está asi:
$(eval var q = “$(query)”.replace(/^@/g, ‘’).toLowerCase(); var contador1 = $(count); var contador2 = $(count); if (q === “unbanc0”) { contador1++; “El recuento actual es unbanc0 " + contador1 + " - " + contador2 + " Thomma__”; } else if (q === “thomma__”) { contador2++; “El recuento actual es unbanc0 " + contador1 + " - " + contador2 + " Thomma__”; } else { “Quien ganó? unbanc0 o Thomma__”; })
The problem is that both counters are always incremented, any idea how to solve it?
unfortunately nightbot doesn’t have a good memory, can only remember one count per command, so the only way to do it in a single command (yes it can be done) is to have somewhere else to store the info… some sort of api that can accept and remember the info for u
Hey @Thomma!
@tiwosslave is absolutely right, but I’ve solved this issue in the past using a third party API:
Note the warning about not providing further support to implement such command.
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