How do I create a newsapi command from this link 🤔


How do I create a newsapi command from this link :thinking: q=bitcoin &from=2020-08-19&sortBy=publishedAt&apiKey=d9aba179a91540849e276fae0138e031

$(eval $(urlfetch json [ q=bitcoin &from=2020-08-19&sortBy=publishedAt&apiKey=d9aba179a91540849e276fae0138e031))) :no_mouth:

(youtube user not for Twitch)

Please help :pensive::v:

Hey @1.000.000!

Well, it depends of the data you want to extract…
The data you pull is in the JSON format, paste the URL in your browser to have a look:

$(eval $(urlfetch json

This is the basics, but to navigate within the JSON you need to use proper notation, learn more here.

You’ll probably notice that I removed the &from=2020-08-19 of the URL, it’s because it doesn’t seem to be needed as it doesn’t impact the results, and it could lead to errors.

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thanks for reply

$(eval $(urlfetch json

I would like to extract the data between these marks from this link👆… Example

Thanks again for the help🤗

(youtube user )

This is for a different link, right?
Seeing that it’s XML I doubt that it’ll be possible, have a look there: Urlfetch website with no API end point

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