I want to be able to have nightbot give a random response out of 5 options, with each option having a specifc chance to appear when they use a specific command. I want five responses, starting with one response at 45% chance, next being 25%, then 15% then 10% then 5%. I hope this makes sense.
that sounds fun… can be done like this…
$(eval x=Math.floor(Math.random()*100);x<55?(x<30?(x<15?(x<5?`RESPONSE_FIVE`:`RESPONSE_FOUR`):`RESPONSE_THREE`):`RESPONSE_TWO`):`RESPONSE_ONE`)
follows the same pattern u said…
RESPONSE_ONE = 45% chance
RESPONSE_TWO = 25% chance
RESPONSE_THREE = 15% chance
RESPONSE_FOUR = 10% chance
RESPONSE_FIVE = 5% chance
Omggg you are a life saver! Gonna test this right now!
just be careful that when u replace the words that u don’t get rid of the back ticks ( ` ) on either end
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I will take care with that!
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