Hi, i cant get this eval command to work, please help

I’m trying to get an eval response with this site henrikdev.xyz but it won’t work, any ideas?

This is the command
$(eval response = $(urlfetch json https://api.henrikdev.xyz/valorant/v3/matches/na/beezy/5185); try { json = JSON.parse(response); currenttierpatched = json.data.currenttierpatched; ranking_in_tier = json.data.ranking_in_tier; currenttierpatched && ranking_in_tier == null ? “None” : “” + currenttierpatched + " - " + ranking_in_tier + “rr (Current Rank RR).”; } catch(e){${e}: ${response}.substr(0, 400)})

Since the original url fetch isn’t in qoutes it should already be a json object. So the JSON.parse shouldn’t be necessary.

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