Help with blacklist

So if I have a word that I want to add that is 2 words, I have it set as


I also want it to filter

Dirty Harry (with a space)

I have that in my list but don’t think it’s banning the comment.

Does it support regex so that I can write some type of code for it spelled

D I r t y h a r r y

Thank you

Blacklist Words/Phrases

Nightbot offers a blacklist filter that allows you to set timeouts for custom words, phrases, and patterns.


Creating and Managing Blacklist Words and Phrases can only be done by the owner and channel managers in the Nightbot Spam Protection menu.

Adding to a Blacklist

To add words and phrases to Nightbot’s Blacklist head over to the Spam Protection menu.

Clicking the Options button will open a popout that you can customize blacklist settings.

Advanced Usage


The blacklist filter also supports regular expressions (regex) for more filtering options. You can enter a regex expression with the pattern below.



~/(\d{3}[-.])?\d{3}[-.]\d{4}/ will blacklist any like looking phone numbers such as 253.532.8757 and 321-2345.


  • Blacklist - This is the text box of filtered words and phrases you wish to blacklist. Entering one entry per line. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character to dynamically filter words and phrases. For example, test* blocks test, testing, testerino, etc.
  • Timeout Length - This is the maximum length of time Nightbot will timeout users for when being punished for this spam filter. Nightbot always issues a 5-second timeout for first offenses, and repeat offenses yield the length you select here. The 600-second default value is equivalent to 10 minutes.
  • Exempt Userlevel - This is the minimum required userlevel to be exempt from this filter. For example, if regular is set, regulars are able to use blacklisted words and not get punished.
  • Silent Mode - Enable this setting and Nightbot will no longer give messages to punished users. This is useful for busier channels where Nightbot floods the chat with timeout explanation messages.
  • Custom Message - This sets a custom message to be displayed to users when they are punished from the blacklist filter. Leaving this blank will use the default messages, which are randomly chosen Duke Nukem quotes.

Managing Blacklist Filter

All filters can be managed through the Spam Protection menu or through the !filters command.

This information is taken from the Nightbot Docs I hope that can help you!

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