Help with a command

Can anyone tell me why this is not working?

!editcom !test $(eval let _s='$(query)';let url=''; $(urlfetch url))

I get unexpected identifier all the time

Hiya, there’s no way to help, the pastebin doesn’t exist anymore.

It works like this

!addcom !test $(eval let _s='$(query)'; $(urlfetch

But why it doesn’t work when i store the url in a variable and use that variable in urlfetch

I think because the urlfetch is executed first, so a js variable as link inside urlfetch won’t work.

@Bigyan_subba Hi, seems you are reversing the phrase. Try this:

!addcom -cd=5 !test $(eval `$(query)`.split('').reverse().join(''))

Hope it works.


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Thanks but I’m trying to do this

!ac !test $(eval let _u='$(user)';let cmds=($(urlfetch json;let _q='$(query)'.replace(' ','𗔧').split('𗔧');let _s=_q[1]; $(urlfetch cmds[_q[0]]))

The pastebin

I was thinking it will work like this →

!test reverse hi

1 - _q='$(query)'.replace(' ','𗔧').split('𗔧') will split the user input into two parts

2 - cmds[_q[0]] will look for the property in cmds and return its value which is a link
3 - then urlfetch will fetch the url which contains javascript and $(eval …) will evaluate the script

And same for other

Hi @Bigyan_subba First make sure that Pastebin link is public.

Umm sorry i mistyped raw with edit

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