I saw this command to make an counter for ppl in the stream to tally up boys and girls. I tried to make another variable to include others but I can not figure it out. Can you please help. Im am trying to code this using nightbot.
Here is the orginal
$(eval a=$(urlfetch https://twitch.center/customapi/addquote?token=$(1))
;a=$(urlfetch json https://twitch.center/customapi/quote/list?token=1d74a6ed)
;b=a.match(/~B~/g);b=b!=null?${b.length} boys
:0 boys
;c=a.match(/~G~/g);c=c!=null?${c.length} girls
:0 girls
?b:c;$(user) ${d} have joined this stream. Cheers $(3) squad!
;}else{$(user) ${b} and ${c} are watching this stream. Use !boy or !girl to join your squad.
This is mine trying to include others
$(eval a=$(urlfetch https://twitch.center/customapi/addquote?token=$(1))
;a=$(urlfetch json https://twitch.center/customapi/quote/list?token=1d74a6ed)
;b=a.match(/~B~/g);b=b!=null?${b.length} man
:0 man
;c=a.match(/~G~/g);c=c!=null?${c.length} woman
:0 woman
;o=a.match(/~X~/x);o=o!=null?${o.length} other
:0 other
?b:c:x;$(user) ${d} have joined this stream. Cheers $(3) squad!
;}else{$(user) ${b} and ${c} and ${x} are here.