He can't organize the Roles

I'm a brazilian and I am trying to make my comunity server on discord, but, I want as the people enter in my server and already recive the Role of He/She Lotes on twitch, but, ever as someone enter, He/She enter without a Role. Can someon help me please????

do u mean the sub roles?.. those r provided by twitch and for them to work both u and them have to have twitch linked to discord… but if u mean other roles like mods and such, there’s a settings option for the discord integration in the dashboard where u can link what role is for what… but whenever i linked nightbot to discord, it automatically linked the roles without me having to mess with it at all (guessing that’s based on the names of the roles)

Man, I know this but the problem is… I put the right roles in there, but when someone enter in the link of invite for the twitch, he don’t pick the role what was it for pick, and this is making me very estressing. I recive a tip of ‘‘The Bot don’t have the own link of invite?’’, but when I see the painel, I don’t see the link of invite. Do you know this way? (sorry for my Inglish errors, I amn’t a fluence in inglish)

Hey @m3llito!

Follow the steps from the Twitch Integration’s Discord guide (in case it doesn’t automatically pick your language based on your region, you can switch the language of the article in the header menu, there’s an option for Brazilian Portuguese).

If once you’ve done that, it’s still not what you’re looking for, write your issue in your native language, translate it to English with Google Translate (or another similar service), and send the text here. We’ll reply in properly written English so you can translate it back easily. If you have the time, once you translated your text, make sure it used the same terminology as on Nightbot’s dashboard, it’s not necessary, but it could help us help you, though we can also read between the lines.

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