Funny commands using array

I made a command that uses an array instead of a random percentage as I often see for funny commands, and I figured I would share it.

!addcom -cd=5 !COMMAND_NAME $(user) is $(eval a=[`not at all`,`not`,`a little`,`a bit`,`somewhat`,`moderately`,`slightly`,`mildly`,`extremely`,`immensely`,`too`,`inordinately`,`exceptionally`,`exceedingly`,`quite`,`severely`]; b=a[Math.floor(Math.random()*a.length)]) YOUR_TEXT_HERE.

!addcom -cd=5 !thirsty $(user) is $(eval a=[`not at all`,`not`,`a little`,`a bit`,`somewhat`,`moderately`,`slightly`,`mildly`,`extremely`,`immensely`,`too`,`inordinately`,`exceptionally`,`exceedingly`,`quite`,`severely`]; b=a[Math.floor(Math.random()*a.length)]) thirsty.

EX output:
koalaunknown is not thirsty.


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