Faceit Pro League Rank Command

Friends I’m looking for a code like! Fpl for europe ranking. A nightbot command that can show the rank and the score status. I wonder if anyone was made for! Fplc before but could give this code for fpl?

Thank you very much.

I try to this code but his not working.

!addcom !rank $(eval n=decodeURIComponent("$(querystring)")||“name”;o="$(querystring $(urlfetch json https://api.faceit.com/leaderboard/v1/ranking/hub/74caad23-077b-4ef3-8b1d-c6a2254dfa75?leaderboardId=5ca07b6178812d0008c2c4da&limit=50&offset=0 4))";t="$(querystring $(urlfetch json https://api.faceit.com/leaderboard/v1/ranking/hub/74caad23-077b-4ef3-8b1d-c6a2254dfa75?leaderboardId=5ca07b6178812d0008c2c4da&limit=50&offset=50 1))";$(urlfetch json https://pastebin.com/raw/xJBXbMzu 2))

and i am getting this error;

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