Exclusive Command For Me

Hello, I need a command that is exclusively for me, that when I use it it works for me and it does not work for others and a message appears, is there something like that?

You know when I think about it no

@fx_alejjjjooozc8 Heya!

This is possible, if you are owner of the stream, then set the Userlevel to Owner. Then only you can use that command.

If you are the normal user then try considering using $(eval) and $(userid) variables. Something like:

$(eval my_id = "YOUR_CHANNEL_ID"; if ( my_id === "$(userid)" ) { "YOUR_COMMAND_RESPONSE_HERE" } else { " " } )


EDIT: Let me know if it didn’t work

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Hey @Ritik_Ranjan Hey, I have had a problem and it is that it tells me that only I can put it but when I put the command it tells me the same thing.

Hiya, $(userid) is the numeric ID of the user, try $(user) instead.

@xgerhard I’ve tried but it still doesn’t work

Ah I see, the command was almost correct, $(user) should be inside quotes:

$(eval my_id = "YOUR_CHANNEL_ID"; if ( my_id === "$(user)" ) { "YOUR_COMMAND_RESPONSE_HERE" } else { " " } )

or short:

$(eval "username" === "$(user)" ? "response" : " ")

Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it

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