So im helping a friend creating some commands for his twitch account
And I saw free hosting services in order to have the PHP code (this is infinityfree)
PHP codes are simple and is working fine, so I did the addcom
!addcom !pp $(user) $(urlfetch https://freedomainwhatever…/ppsize.php )
But the response from Nightbot is: “Error Connecting To Remote Server”
Tried to switch it up to another coding
- !addcom !pp $(eval const number=Math.floor(Math.random()*40)+1; const message=number<9?“Is it cold there?”:number<15?“It’s growing up.”:number<26?“That’s… nice ;)”:number<36?“OKAY COWBOY”:“WOW. Send tips”;
Your PP is ${number}. ${message}
Yet, no chance
DNS are fine, have SSL activated, can’t see the problem. I cant find anything wrong on my PHP code or server, also we tried another urlfetch with another php from another example and that worked fine