Editing a command to put numbers in another command.
for example if i type !ss 3-1 i want the !series command to update to what i just typed in !ss
!editcom !series $(query)
!addcom !ss !editcom !series $(query)
Editing a command to put numbers in another command.
for example if i type !ss 3-1 i want the !series command to update to what i just typed in !ss
!editcom !series $(query)
!addcom !ss !editcom !series $(query)
Hi @Cyrensy
if you change the !ss to this it will work:
!editcom !ss -a=!editcom !series $(query)
You make an alias (something that calls a certain command) with the !editcom. So this makes sure !editcom is active. You don’t necessarily need the $(query) after this
because you’re just going to overwrite it with !ss.
Hope this helped!
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