Editing a command to put numbers in another command

!addcom !shotcount The Current shot Count is:
!addcom !editcom !editshotcount -ul=mod -a=!editcom !shotcount The Current shot Count is:

!editshotcount 1/1
!shotcount The Current shot Count is: 1/1

How can i make that happen?

Not to sure what you mean by the 1/1?
But if you want to use a ‘‘count’’ command:

!addcom !shotcount The Current shot Count is:
!addcom !editshotcount -ul=mod -a=!editcom !shotcount The Current shot Count is: $(count)

Or if you want to edit it like ‘’!editshotcount 1/1’’ as you had as an example

!addcom !shotcount The Current shot Count is:
!addcom !editshotcount -ul=moderator -a=!editcom !shotcount The Current shot Count is: $(query)

Just use ‘’!editshotcount (your numbers or text)’’ like ‘’!editshotcount 1/1’’

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