[CustomAPI] Overwatch Hero API

Command Input:

  • stats
  • medals
  • eliminations
  • solokills
  • multikills
  • finalblows
  • healingdone
  • damagedone
  • criticalhits
  • objectivekills
  • objectivetime
  • defensiveassists
  • offensiveassists
  • meleefinalblows
  • blasterkills
  • timespentonfire
  • moltencorekills
  • turretkills
  • armorpacks
  • deaths
  • envkills
  • envdeaths
  • reconassists
  • teleporterpads
  • weaponaccuracy
  • cards

Misc commands:

  • platform
  • region
  • mode
  • hero
  • list
  • help

Changed Hero names are: Torbjörn = Torbjoern, Lúcio = Lucio, Soldier: 76 = Soldier76. Please apply to first letter to be upper case for the Hero names, example: Mercy.

Note: Usernames are case sensitive. Replace Your BattleTag ‘#’ with ‘-’ , for example: TestUser#1234 to be: TestUser-1234. Currently Supports: us, eu, kr regions.

To use it:

Platform: pc / Region: us
!commands add !owhero $(urlfetch http://twitchsharer.com/files/overwatch-hero.php?command=$(1)&platform=pc&region=us&mode=$(2)&hero=$(3)&btag=TestUser-1234)

Example: !owhero stats quick-play Mercy
Based on quick-play with Mercy Hero: TestUser-1234 has played 147 games with a total time of 19hours, a total of 60 wins, with a win percentage of 40%

Example: !owhero stats competitive-play Mercy
Based on competitive-play with Mercy Hero: TestUser-1234 has played 39 games with a total time of 8hours, a total of 23 wins, with a win percentage of 58%

*Platform variables: pc, xbl, psn
*Region: us, eu, kr

Example: !owhero platform
Please specify your Platform: pc, xbl, psn.

Example: !owhero region
Please specify your Region: us, eu, kr.

Example: !owhero mode
Please specify your Mode: quick-play, competitive-play.

Example: !owhero hero
Please specify your Hero: all, Torbjoern, Lucio, Soldier76, Genji, McCree, Pharah, Reaper, Tracer, Bastion, Hanzo, Junkrat, Mei, Widowmaker, D.Va, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Winston, Zarya, Ana, Mercy, Symmetra, Zenyatta.

Example: !owhero list
Available Command Input: stats, medals, eliminations, solokills, multikills, finalblows, healingdone, damagedone, criticalhits, objectivekills, objectivetime, defensiveassists, offensiveassists,, meleefinalblows, blasterkills, timespentonfire, moltencorekills, turretkills, armorpacks, deaths, envkills, envdeaths, reconassists, teleporterpads, weaponaccuracy, cards

Example: !owhero help
Replace your BattleTag # with - . For Example: TestUser#1234 as TestUser-1234. Please note that the BattleTag is case-sensitive. Available Platform: !owhero platform | Available Region: !owhero region | Available Mode: !owhero mode | Available Hero: !owhero hero | View the list of command input: !owhero list

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do you hve to add every command input thing or is dat already on it

If you have something like this:

Platform: pc / Region: us
!commands add !owhero $(urlfetch http://twitchsharer.com/files/overwatch-hero.php?command=$(1)&platform=pc&region=us&mode=$(2)&hero=$(3)&btag=TestUser-1234)

Then it will work.

To get a response of a quick-play stats for Mercy…
Example: !owhero stats quick-play Mercy

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s would you think it would be helpful if i added a command for what inputs you can do, or would that mess up the command

and do you hv to put stats befoe all the command inputs

!commands add !owhero $(urlfetch http://twitchsharer.com/files/overwatch-hero.php?command=$(1)&platform=pc&region=us&mode=$(2)&hero=$(3)&btag=TestUser-1234)

$(1) means the first input parameter after the command.
$(2) means the 2nd input parameter.
$(3) means the 3rd input parameter.

As for the above command:

  • “command” is the first input.
  • “mode” is the 2nd input.
  • “hero” is the 3rd input.

Since the platform, region and btag are already defined in the command above.

To check on quick-play stats for Mercy Hero, your input will be:
!owhero stats quick-play Mercy

You also can add in the “platform” and “region” too, as such:

!commands add !owhero $(urlfetch http://twitchsharer.com/files/overwatch-hero.php?command=$(1)&platform=$(2)&region=$(3)&mode=$(4)&hero=$(5)&btag=$(6))

  • “command” is the first input.
  • “platform” is the 2nd input.
  • “region” is the 3rd input.
  • “mode” is the 4th input.
  • “hero” is the 5th input.
  • “btag” is the 6th input.

To check on quick-play stats for Mercy Hero with Btag on a PC platform in US region, your input will be:
!owhero stats pc us quick-play Mercy TestUser-1234

*Note: Usernames are case sensitive. Replace Your BattleTag ‘#’ with ‘-’ , for example: TestUser#1234 to be: TestUser-1234. Currently supports Platform: pc, xbl, psn. Currently Supports Region: us, eu, kr.

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Depends on what you want to change. The very first command as stated is marked on your platform, region and btag which will not be changed.

!commands add !owhero $(urlfetch http://twitchsharer.com/files/overwatch-hero.php?command=$(1)&platform=pc&region=us&mode=$(2)&hero=$(3)&btag=TestUser-1234)

$(1) means the first input parameter after the command.
$(2) means the 2nd input parameter.
$(3) means the 3rd input parameter.

As for the above command:

  • “command” is the first input.
  • “mode” is the 2nd input.
  • “hero” is the 3rd input.

Since the platform, region and btag are already defined in the command above.

To check on quick-play stats for Mercy Hero, your input will be:
!owhero stats quick-play Mercy

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Is there a way to wrap is API up within another command? Obviously I’m not Kephrii, but say Kephrii wanted a Widow headshot counter, rather than having users type out !owhero criticalhits competitive widowmaker, could that mouthful be combined into one simple !headshots command, or am I only dreaming of API capabilties?

Thanks in advance!

that is already possible with nightbot. In this case you would use an alias in another case you could just replace the $(number) variables with the input you want. Just copy paste this and it should work, or make any changes you feel necessary

!commands add !headshots -a=!owhero criticalhits competitive widowmaker

Then !headshots will act as if you ran !owhero criticalhits competitive widowmaker without actually requiring you to type it all out.

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I was hoping aliasing would be a solution. I just wanted some reassurance before I tried sinking time in. New at this, thank you for your help!

Loving customapi’s!

This isn’t working for me, I don’t get a reply from Nightbot. I have a feeling I am not inputting API commands correctly. Other commands work fine, my APIs are either having an error connecting to server or just not replying at all.
halp pls

Any reason why D.Va wouldn’t be working in this command? My stats won’t come up for the quick-play or competitive-play and she’s one of my mains. Mercy and Soldier76 worked fine.