Command Input:
- stats
- medals
- eliminations
- solokills
- multikills
- finalblows
- healingdone
- damagedone
- criticalhits
- objectivekills
- objectivetime
- defensiveassists
- offensiveassists
- meleefinalblows
- blasterkills
- timespentonfire
- moltencorekills
- turretkills
- armorpacks
- deaths
- envkills
- envdeaths
- reconassists
- teleporterpads
- weaponaccuracy
- cards
Misc commands:
- platform
- region
- mode
- hero
- list
- help
Changed Hero names are: Torbjörn = Torbjoern, Lúcio = Lucio, Soldier: 76 = Soldier76. Please apply to first letter to be upper case for the Hero names, example: Mercy.
Note: Usernames are case sensitive. Replace Your BattleTag ‘#’ with ‘-’ , for example: TestUser#1234 to be: TestUser-1234. Currently Supports: us, eu, kr regions.
To use it:
Platform: pc / Region: us
!commands add !owhero $(urlfetch$(1)&platform=pc®ion=us&mode=$(2)&hero=$(3)&btag=TestUser-1234)
Example: !owhero stats quick-play Mercy
Based on quick-play with Mercy Hero: TestUser-1234 has played 147 games with a total time of 19hours, a total of 60 wins, with a win percentage of 40%
Example: !owhero stats competitive-play Mercy
Based on competitive-play with Mercy Hero: TestUser-1234 has played 39 games with a total time of 8hours, a total of 23 wins, with a win percentage of 58%
*Platform variables: pc, xbl, psn
*Region: us, eu, kr
Example: !owhero platform
Please specify your Platform: pc, xbl, psn.
Example: !owhero region
Please specify your Region: us, eu, kr.
Example: !owhero mode
Please specify your Mode: quick-play, competitive-play.
Example: !owhero hero
Please specify your Hero: all, Torbjoern, Lucio, Soldier76, Genji, McCree, Pharah, Reaper, Tracer, Bastion, Hanzo, Junkrat, Mei, Widowmaker, D.Va, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Winston, Zarya, Ana, Mercy, Symmetra, Zenyatta.
Example: !owhero list
Available Command Input: stats, medals, eliminations, solokills, multikills, finalblows, healingdone, damagedone, criticalhits, objectivekills, objectivetime, defensiveassists, offensiveassists,, meleefinalblows, blasterkills, timespentonfire, moltencorekills, turretkills, armorpacks, deaths, envkills, envdeaths, reconassists, teleporterpads, weaponaccuracy, cards
Example: !owhero help
Replace your BattleTag # with - . For Example: TestUser#1234 as TestUser-1234. Please note that the BattleTag is case-sensitive. Available Platform: !owhero platform | Available Region: !owhero region | Available Mode: !owhero mode | Available Hero: !owhero hero | View the list of command input: !owhero list