Custom Weather Command

I am from NYC, and I wanted to create a custom weather command for my stream. I know that there is a weather command that will tell you the weather, but instead, I wanted a command that would see if the weather is below a certain threshold and then return a quote. It would work along the lines of

!weather → if temperature is less than 45 degree → “it’s brick af”

I know it’s silly but I am in love with the idea. If anyone has any clue to help out I would appreciate it.

Hey @zebra_onlyplays!

Haha, I like your idea!
Alright, so here’s how to do it:

!addcom !weather $(eval w = `$(weather New York City)`; t = parseInt(w.match(/-?\d+F/)[0]); t < 45 ? 'it\'s brick af' : w;)
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Thank you!
Unfortunately, I don’t have a chance to test this at the moment because Nightbot is not responding to commands, but when I get it up and working again, I will definitely let you know how it goes in my streams! Thank you also for just being such a great member of this community. I see that you respond to so many people and I bet you have made their day just like you have made mine!

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