Custom Responses

Is it possible to add multiple responses to a singe custom command? For example, can I separate responses with a , or ; ?

What do you mean exactly? I don’t fully understand. Random responses can be done with eval or a customapi, im not sure what you mean by custom responses. All non-default commands are custom and configurable.

I’m super new to Nightbot; any bot for that matter. Used them tons, never actually set one up until this week for a clan Discord. What I’d like to do is set a command (!fail for instance) and give a list of possible responses for the bot to pull from, all from YouTube or imgur links. But I can’t figure out 1 if that’s possible and 2 how to separate the responses so that the bot would pull one randomly from the set. Thanks for replying btw, learning as I go.

Heya take a look at this post:

You can add extra options, between quotes and the options are comma seperated.

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Awesome thank you! I’ll give it a shot tonight!