Custom Greet Command!

I was trying to figure out how to greet the user, when someone tags “Hi @handle” (can be anyone), it should reply "/me (tagged_user) had waved you hi (user) ".


Message if there is a username input:

/me [tagged user] had waved you hi $(user)

Message if there is no input:

/me 'Sup $(user)?

If you don’t like the alternative response I’ve provided one that simply doesn’t reply anything in the case there is no input.

Setup with alternative response:

!addcom -cd=5 hi $(eval a=decodeURIComponent(`$(querystring)`).replace(/@/g,``);a?`/me ${a} had waved you hi $(user)`:`/me 'Sup $(user)?`)

Setup without alternative response:

!addcom -cd=5 hi $(eval a=decodeURIComponent(`$(querystring)`).replace(/@/g,``);a?`/me ${a} had waved you hi $(user)`:` `)
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I was literally looking for the first one, it works like charm. I realized made a mistake with message format, just interchanged the two parameters “/me $(user) had waved you hi, [tagged user]” and it worked.

Thank you @RokettoJanpu :slight_smile: :heart:

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