Custom death counter

my old custom death counter stopped working and I can never got it to work. Can someone please help me create 3 death counter commands ?

1- used by chat to show total deaths !deaths
2- used by mods to add new death to the counter
3- used by mods to reset the death counter

help ?

Hey @covetpetrichor!

There are already hundreds of topics on this, here’s one of them:

Please use the search bar on the future.

Thank you, i tried that but the reset counter does not work. I copied the commands exactly… please see attached image:


!deathreset edits !deathadd, not !deaths, only !deathadd edits !deaths, so to see the !deathreset change reflect on !deaths, you need to call !deathadd at least once, which will add one death to the counter.

im sorry im so dumb !!! can you please show me how the commands will be ? so sorry

Okay, I’ll walk you through how it works…

!deaths gives you the total counter, it’s just text
!deathadd adds a death to it’s internal counter and edits !deaths
!deathreset resets the !deathadd internal counter to 0

So here are responses from the bot:

USER: !deaths
Nightbot: Channel has died 0 times playing game
MODERATOR: !deathadd
Nightbot: !deaths has been edited — !deathadd internal counter = 1
USER: !deaths
Nightbot: Channel has died 1 times playing game
MODERATOR: !deathadd
Nightbot: !deaths has been edited — !deathadd internal counter = 2
MODERATOR: !deathadd
Nightbot: !deaths has been edited — !deathadd internal counter = 3
USER: !deaths
Nightbot: Channel has died 3 times playing game
MODERATOR: !deathreset
Nightbot: !deathadd has been edited — !deathadd internal counter = 0
USER: !deaths!deaths hasn’t been edited yet, only !deathadd edits it
Nightbot: Channel has died 3 times playing game
MODERATOR: !deathadd
Nightbot: !deaths has been edited — !deathadd internal counter = 1
USER: !deaths
Nightbot: Channel has died 1 times playing game

Ah thank you so much

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