[Custom API] Valorant MMR Rank API v1


I want name and rank!


When you faced Error 400, it is either you have input wrong ID/Tag/Region and it is case-sensitive. Or else the API is overwhelmed at the point of time in that time window.

When you faced Error 400, it is either you have input wrong ID/Tag/Region and it is case-sensitive. Or else the API is overwhelmed at the point of time in that time window.

Since you are in BR, you have to use NA region.
Use this instead:
!addcom $(urlfetch https://api.kyroskoh.xyz/valorant/v1/mmr/na/Hinrikao/GGBR)

Hi bro, I try with my nick, but it returns error 429. I changed my RIOT ID, I don’t know if that will affect. my region is las, but i tried with na


Hi @kyroskoh,

it is possible to get the lost RR or won RR from the last game? In your Notes are just mentioned the rank, RR in this rank, elo and so on.

best regards
raDDeTV :wink:

@Alex_Sykes u can try the ID and Tag before u changed before trying the new one. SA region is stored in NA region.

@raDDeTV yes it is possible to code that. I can write that if others are interested.


Is it Possible to host the API by my self?

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keep getting this error: Nightbot: Error Connecting To Remote Server

@NicxARC Not at this time, probably in future.
@kachaufps it has resolved.

okay, now ive been getting the 400 error code all morning trying at different times. i dont think its my name tho

@kachaufps What is your ID, Tag and Region? You are trying to use which API?

kachau #mary im using the leaderboard one,

@kachaufps please note that the leaderboard API will only display top 500 users.

It’s a great tool, any way there is like a variant of it to return the rank WITHOUT the quotation marks?
I’m sorry but I just don’t know coding. Though all I want is the return to be without the quotations. That possible?

Hello @kyroskoh ,

I am trying to add this command to streamelements
!command add !rank (the url fetch part and then the id and tag misty#4958)

But I am getting the following error any idea’s as to why this is ?

RequestError: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN jsonhttps jsonhttps:80

I have removed “” (double quotes string from response output) for this v1.6 release changelog and already operational now.

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@formidablemongoose can you provide me your ID, Tag and Region? and send me the full command that you have written in streamelements?

misty#4958 EU

!command add !rank $(urlfetch https:// api.kyroskoh.xyz /valorant/v1/mmr/eu/misty/4958?display=1)

Without the space