Custom API for Loyalty System?

Does anyone have an api for a custom command for a loyalty/points system?

Currently a loyalty/point system cannot really be run through an API as Nightbot does not track the length of time that users are in chat. This will be coming to Nightbot in the future but a Custom API isn’t a good solution.

As @Aaron128l said, it is not possible with a CustomAPI due to how CustomAPIs work (if you want the more technical details i go on to explain them in addition to Aaron’s answer).

A customAPI works generally by feeding the url certain info, the user who said it, the query of what the user said, etc. Then doing all the backend stuff to figure out what is going on and returning a specific response that nightbot gives back to the chat after the command is ran. Ehsankia’s quote system for example stores quotes inside it and uses the user’s query to parse the quotes for words, and returns the quote with the query (which can also be a number). But with a loyalty system that would require the site doing all the stats to know how long a user has been in chat, and what they are doing, which nightbot can’t send because it doesn’t keep track of it (it would take a lot more resources to keep track of that stuff, and its a bit tricky to keep track of properly).