[Custom API] DotA 2 MMR API


  • Public Steam Profile
  • Public DotA 2 Profile
  • DotA 2 Player ID

[Available Commands]

Estimate MMR:

!commands add !mmr $(urlfetch https://api.kyroskoh.club/dota-api/mmr?id=277625408)

Estimate MMR with input:

!commands add !mmr $(urlfetch https://api.kyroskoh.club/dota-api/mmr?id=$(query))

Solo MMR:

!commands add !solommr $(urlfetch https://api.kyroskoh.club/dota-api/solo-mmr?id=277625408)

Solo MMR with input:

!commands add !solommr $(urlfetch https://api.kyroskoh.club/dota-api/solo-mmr?id=$(query))

Party MMR:

!commands add !partymmr $(urlfetch https://api.kyroskoh.club/dota-api/party-mmr?id=277625408)

Party MMR with input:

!commands add !partymmr $(urlfetch https://api.kyroskoh.club/dota-api/party-mmr?id=$(query))


If you add the command as the same as above:

!mmr or !mmr 277625408
!solommr or !solommr 277625408
!partymmr or !partymmr 277625408


Q1: Why I have received “Error Connecting To Remote Server”?

Either your DotA 2 Profile is not set as public or you have input the wrong Player ID or invalid input character.

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