I have made an API that lets you clip stuff
not really clip stuff. but put timestamp in your discord channel to be later used by editor/subscriber for reference.
whenever someone in chat types !clip
followed by message. it calculates the time in stream. and then send a message to your discord with that message. alongside a screenshot because after stream ends. the stream may drift a little bit here and there. so you can consider that screenshot,
each channel has to be associated with a discord webhook URL. where all the messages are sent.
so, I will need to collect them manually. and ensure it submitted by a legit user.
also, since YouTube don’t provide the stream id. if a channel has 2 live streams at same time. it may link the wrong one.
for this you can DM me on discord @ ag1436
!addcom !export $(urlfetch http://surajbhari.info:5001/export)
!addcom !clip $(urlfetch http://surajbhari.info:5001/clip/$(chatid)/$(querystring))
!addcom !cliptest $(urlfetch http://surajbhari.info:5001/)
the export and cliptest are not necessary.
clips on exports → surajbhari.info:5001/exports/UCIzzPhdRf8Olo3WjiexcZSw