hi i have this api: https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=smooth-love-potion&vs_currencies=usd&include_market_cap=false&include_24hr_vol=false&include_24hr_change=false&include_last_updated_at=false and i want nightbot to respond: “Precio SLP: current value”. Right now it responds {“smooth-love-potion”:{“usd”:0.252183}} and i dont know how to fix it. Thanks
@Jota Hiya, use $(eval)
to evaluate such JSON data.
!commands add -cd=5 !slp $(eval data=$(urlfetch json https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=smooth-love-potion&vs_currencies=usd&include_market_cap=false&include_24hr_vol=false&include_24hr_change=false&include_last_updated_at=false); `Precio SLP: ` + data.smooth-love-potion.usd)
If didn’t worked let me know
it didn’t work
Hey @Ritik_Ranjan!
Your code doesn’t work because JavaScript considers the following as an operation: smooth-love-potion
It’s one of the subtleties of the language, it tries to subtract love
from smooth
, and it’ll then try to subtract potion
to the previous operation, it doesn’t consider that text to be a key of the object, to fix that we use the bracket notation.
Hey @Jota!
Here’s the fix:
!addcom !slp $(eval value=$(urlfetch json https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=smooth-love-potion&vs_currencies=usd)["smooth-love-potion"].usd; `Precio SLP: ${value}`)
Btw, you can use a simpler/shorter URL for the same result, I just removed what was false
as it’s the default state.
thank you so much!, thank you both
Make sense, I will take care of it. Somewhere I was aware of it. I don’t know how I ignore. Uff
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