Hi, I don’t know if this has been asked before but I’m wondering if there is a way nightbot is able to retain information previously input for example; I’ve been testing out touser and query but there is always an argument needed for the command to work.
An example of what I am attempting to do would be !guest Today’s guest is $(touser) checkout his/her POV at https://www.twitch.tv/$(touser). where tosuer is filled without needing a variable. Like from the previous time the command was used. Like if initially the command was used for myself !guest sohwei the inital command would display: "Today’s guest is sohwei checkout his/her POV at https://www.twitch.tv/sohwei." However, if there is no argument, !guest "“Today’s guest is checkout his/her POV at https://www.twitch.tv/”. I would like the person’s name to remain and stay there till a new username is input from the command or chat and remains that way till changed.
TL;DR: Looking for a shoutout command that retains the argument previously typed
You generally wouldn’t be able to retain the previous usage, but you could make a separate, moderator-only command to set the output of the primary command using aliases. Is that something that solves your use case?
To expand on what Night suggested, here’s how to set up such commands:
First you’ll need a command to set up your guest, copy/paste the code in your chat:
• !setguest [user]:
!addcom !setguest -ul=mod -a=!editcom !guest $(twitch $(touser) "Today's guest is {{displayName}}! Check out their POV at {{url}}")
This will edit your !guest command, after that, the command will “remember” the current guest.
To set up your guest command for the first time, do it like so:
• !guest:
!addcom !guest $(twitch $(channel) "Today's guest is {{displayName}}! Check out their POV at {{url}}")
THIS IS THE BEST I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! Thank you so much!! Its been something i’ve tried many times on my own with no avail… I was pointed here by someone else awhile ago but did not have the courage to post anything. Thank you once again and thanks for being so nice!