Counter either not resetting or not showing without adding to it

Good day everyone:
I’m trying to create some simple commands for a counter:

  1. Show how many times the streamer has crashed (for everyone)

  2. Increase counter by 1 (only for mods)

  3. Reset counter back to 0 (only for mods)

After few hours of trying and searching, I’ve came across so many threads that either:
Tell you how to increase the counter and reset it, but can’t show it without increasing it
Tell you how to show it and increase it without showing it and unable to reset it

As for now I have this setup

To show how many times Trina crashed:
!addcom !crash Trina crashed 0 times today!

To add to the counter (won’t show it after adding, so I have to manually retype “!crash” to show the updated counter on a second message):
!addcom !crashadd -ul=mod -a=!editcom !crash $(twitch $(channel) “Trina crashed $(count) times today!”)

Technically I do have a reset but it straight up doesn’t work:
!addcom !crashreset -ul=mod -a=!editcom !crashadd -c=0

The other way that I found to make the reset work is to change the !crash into this:
!addcom !crash Trina has crashed &(count) times today!

The problem with this second method is that I can’t quite understand how to show the counter without increase it with !crash

Is there a way to show the counter with the second method or is there a way to reset the counter on the first method?

Hiya, yeah your first method looks fine, you’re just missing the reset command:
!commands add !crashreset -a=!commands edit !crashadd \-c=0

Just a note, when !crashreset is used it will rest the $(count) of !crashadd to 0, which is what we want, however !crash then still has the old value. So when resetting you’ll have to use !crashreset first then !crashadd to update the !crash command.

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For some reason now I’m getting a completely different issue. Whenever I try to use the command, it’s telling me that I’m offline (and I was, I was testing the command just like I was testing it yesterday), so I went live just to see and now the !crash command is giving me general information about the livestream.
The command is still the same, nothing has changed and I can’t use the commands, not even for testing purposes.

yeah, i thought it was odd that u had that $(twitch $(channel)) part in there… that’s the part giving u that info and is not needed at all for what u’re trying to do ^^

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