!commands list not showing

I just added night bot on my stream
!commands was working fine, link would open the list and show default commands.
But then i tried to add some custom commands and now when you click on the !commands link in my chat it goes to an empty list, doesn’t show default or customs commands.

Have tried all sorts but cant figure it out
Any ideas?

Hey @iRshwifty!

That because you haven’t added any custom commands yet.
Have you tried calling a command you added?
Use !commands add or !addcom to add a new one from the chat: documentation.

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Thank you, will give it a go, was just confust because when i first tried it, it showed a list of the default ones, but once i made a custom one(!socials) it wouldnt even show the default ones on the list, how do i get it to show the default command to the viewer too?

The link sent by !commands show your custom commands list.

And I’m not sure what you mean, but maybe the custom commands dashboard page is what you’re looking for?

Thanks, maybe i got it wrong, i thought the first couple of times i used !commands it took me to my fulkl list of default commands but maybe if got it wrong.
Thanks for your help, think iv got it sorted now.
appreciate it

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