!Clip command, then have !lastClip automatically update

Hi Guys,

I am a DayZ gamer looking to be a streamer. I have always seen streams on twitch with nightbot that when they get a kill they put in a command !Clipkill and they will use a API to clip the past 30 seconds where they have killed someone on the game and post a link - I have got this far. I am assuming they have another command which is !Clipdeath as you will see why as I proceed.

Now here is where I am struggling because I have been searching everywhere for an answer and I am having no success. Once they clip this moment, either !clipkill or !clipdeath, they have a command which is !lastkill which links specifically the last clipped kill in chat or !lastdeath which links specifically the last clipped death in chat. This !lastkill and !lastdeath command is automatically updated to post the new link to either specifically the last kill or the last death using the clip link from the command !clipkill or the other command I assume you also have to have clipdeath

Bear in mind that I(The streamer) will be clipping all of these and plan on integrating these commands in with the Elgato Stream Deck, so automation is a must, I do not want to have to change the links manually and I have confirmed it can be done automatically although i can not find out how. If any one has any advice or any tips you have no idea how much I would appreciate this.
Have a good new year!

if i had to guess… i’d figure they probly have the “clip” commands aliased to the !commands command to edit the “last” commands… like so…

!addcom !clip edit !last $(eval CODE_FOR_CLIP_LINK)

where u replace CODE_FOR_CLIP_LINK with whatever u have in there now

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