I found excellent article about the steps which I need to make my Nightbot to automatically wrote in chat when something happens (new follower, subscriber, raid, hosting and etc.). Here is the link: Nightbot Alerts In Chat
But I had to reset my Streamlabs alerts and chat box alerts are not functioning anymore. I tried many thing:
- I parted my channel with Nightbot,
- I changed my API in Streamlabs,
- I recreated all of the alerts in Streamlabs,
- I disconnected both Streamlabs and Nightbot to Twitch and then reconnected them again.
- I generated Access Token and Refresh Key again and I created a tie to a new application in Nightbot settings then I putted new Access Token in JS.
I seems like nothing helps. Nightbot works fine but I really want this alerts to appear in chat.
Thanks in advance for any useful suggestions!