i want to make an command called “argument” (with quotes) that takes the query from the user and says the whole thing back, with the text: “is a” (without quotes) “bad/interesting” (random between the two, without quotes) “argument” (without quotes)
it would look like:
“argument” this works
nightbot: this works is a interesting argument
this is a little too advanced for me and after hours I cant figure it out. also i tried using a random quote but it appears that I get a random " 0. " before each quote, also I can’t integrate a quote into the same command as text for some reason…
Hola buenas, lo que estas diciendo si es posible hacer lo unico que tenes que hacer es poner !argumento en donde dice el nombre y escribir tu nightbot despues vas para abajo y dice "“alias”"y ahí pones ““es un”” o lo que quieras,y cuando vas a un directo de youtube o twich y pones es un va a poner lo que dice el !argumento espero que te ayude si no funciona deberas de ver videos para saber #AcaAyudamos