Bitcoin value command?

Hi, i want to know if there is a way to create a command that says the bitcoin value and it update automatically if change. Thanks.

@jotammz98 Yeah, I found this API [ ]. It’s free and you can use this.

!addcom -cd=5 !btc $(eval x=$(urlfetch json; try { `Last Update: ` + x.time.updated + ` | Rate: 1 Bitcoin = ` + x.bpi.USD.rate + `$` } catch(e) { " " })

Example usage:

Ritik: !BTC
Nightbot: Last Update: Dec 1, 2020 10:39:00 UTC | Rate: 1 Bitcoin = 19,743.1221$

If you face any error let me know, I will fix it.



it work, thank you so much!

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