BetterTTV Popup asking to "Upgrade" Browser permissions

I was streaming tonight, and a few people had a new browser tab opened with the message below. I advised them to not click on the button to allow the additional permissions, as it seemed like it was possible that it wasn’t legitimately from BetterTTV. I tried Googling the message and it didn’t have any relevant results. Can anyone from NightDev confirm or deny that this pop-up is legitimate? Has anyone actually allowed the permissions? If so, were there any issues? Trying to keep the community safe, so any insight is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

“BetterTTV has added support for showing BetterTTV emotes in YouTube live chat. In order to enable this, we need to upgrade your browser permissions . Click the button below to do that.”

Yes, this is legitimate. In order to allow BetterTTV access to additional websites, we must ask users to permit that access.

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I noticed this too, and I would love to enable this on my youtube channel but can only link my account with twitch, is there a way to actually enable it on youtube yet? Or am I just blind XD

That’s a good question. Global emotes are working on all live chats, but channel emotes require a streamer’s YouTube account be linked to their Twitch account via our website. We’ve enabled it for TimTheTatman and DrLupo’s channels right now, but we’re still waiting approval from Google before we can bring account linking to all users.


Understandable, thanks so much for the reply!

I also assume firefox will have a different update cycle than chrome?

Firefox and Edge extension updates are still pending review on their extension stores. I would expect Firefox to be approved in the next couple days. Edge may be later this week, however.


I closed the popup at first, is there another way to enable those permissions?

Is it possible to also add popular twitch emotes like LUL or BatChest WutFace DansGame etc?

You could try visiting the permissions page directly.


To my knowledge Twitch/Amazon owns exclusive rights to those global emotes, so without their permission I am doubtful we would be able to.


the youtube stuff doesn’t work for me on Edge (which runs on chromium), but it works fine on Twitch. is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? I got that permission popup and agreed.

Ever since this update I’ve been having an issue with strange phrases/words being inserted in random youtube comments. Is this a bug of some sort?

A forced tab feels like the sketchiest way to go about this. Not to mention the popup lags my browser for some reason. Was quite the rude thing to have happen mid-stream. And then again tonight even after I closed it.

I agree with @avictimofgaming
This is a good way to get people to uninstall this extension. I’d recommended a notification of some sort that comes from the extension rather than opening a new tab if that’s possible. Even something that shows up from a BTTV when you go to twitch. Just some ideas cause not a lot of people are ok with extensions or programs opening tabs without them knowing it.


As I don’t use youtube live chat, is there a way I may permanently decline the permissions upgrade?


Agreed, forced tab, with no way to DECLINE even is horrible. I just closed it at first as I have no interest in Youtube chat whatsoever, only to have it pop up again today. There needs to be a “No I don’t need this thanks.” somewhere.


Hey @Kevboard_Arts!

Please read the entire topic before asking a question that’s already been answered:


Hey @avictimofgaming, @nanamonster, and @pokerific!

Sorry you don’t like the popup, but this is standard procedure, you wouldn’t like it being enforced discretely in the background without you knowing about it, it’s a new feature, you have to be aware of it, otherwise this could be considered a breach of privacy, that way NightDev is protected from lawsuits and can still offer you its services.

You gave the extension the permission to open new tabs when you installed it the first time.

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Hey @cte!

Can you give more details? Perhaps share a screenshot of the issue?

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